Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Turning 60

 There's no use denying it. I'm sixty years old.

When I was a kid, sixty seemed ancient. When I turned thirty, people who were sixty were still old, in my way of thinking. 

But now that I'm here, I realize age is just a number. 

My sister threw me a fantastic party. She worked for weeks pulling pics off Facebook and scanning others to have them in incredible themed displays. 

I invited a very select few people. I would have loved to invite everyone I know, but I truly wanted a more intimate setting.

Then they started telling stories. Some were embarrassing. Some were hilarious. And some were so sweet they brought tears to my eyes.

My life-long friend, Martin, came. He lives in Branson, Mo. I don't get to see him nearly enough. Although, we have the kind of friendship where we can pick up where we left off and not lose any time over it.

Earlier in the day, at my house, my wife, Sally, and two daughters (along with their families) presented me with a Webber grill! I was not merely surprised. I was overwhelmed.

On my actual birthday, July 15, my second novel was published. It's called Peering into the Darkness. It is Christian fiction, subgenre supernatural mystery. You can find it anywhere ebooks or sold or in paperback on Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

I know this: I still feel very young on the inside. How young? I don't know. Maybe 17? Perhaps 22?

My hair has started turning gray. Oh, I had some gray before, but now? Wow! At least it isn't falling out.

I'm not going to complain about the minor body aches. Nobody wants to hear it and it wouldn't do any good, anyway.

However, I am going to brag on God! In my sixty years, He has proved Himself faithful. In my sixty years, He has ALWAYS provided for me. In my sixty years, He has given me joy. Real joy. 

God has led me all over this world. And He has made arrangements for me in the next, through faith in Jesus Christ!

I don't know how many years I have left on this earth. I have a wife that loves me, children that love me, and grandchildren who love me. My two daughters have married fine godly men. God is blessing the church I pastor like I've not experienced.

No matter what comes, Jesus is my Savior and sustainer! Happy, indeed, birthday to me!