December 5, 1992 |
Twenty-five years ago, at First Baptist Church, Vinita, Ok, Sally and I were united in marriage.
Sally's dad walking her down the aisle. |
Looking back, it seems we were just kids, although we had waited longer than most of our friends to get married.
Her parents, us, my parents. |
It has been a wonderful journey that God has led us on; to serve Him all around the world.
A moment of quiet in a busy day. |
God has blessed us abundantly.
Audrey's 2nd birthday in Vinita, OK. |
He blessed us with Audrey.
Emily, Me, Audrey, Sally in Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire. |
He blessed us with Emily.
Our family in Mongolia in 2004. |
He blessed us with being able to see His creation.
Beijing, 2004. |
And pray for people all over the world.
Hong Kong, 2005 |
We have been blessed to live all over the world, too.
Koh Samui, Thailand, 2005 |
And enjoy great family adventures together.
My 1st Anniversary as pastor at Immanuel Southern Baptist Church, Wagoner, OK 2008. |
Then, He brought us back to Oklahoma, we He has allowed us to serve Him at "home."
Emily, JD, Audrey, Sally, Rick, Wagoner, OK 2017 |
We added John Ellis to the family last year.
At the Western Wall in Jerusalem. |
Our adventures will continue.
A continuing love story. |
Now, with an empty nest, we will continue to serve the Lord. Continue to fall in love with each other even more every day!
Thank you, Lord, for my wife and family. May you continue to bless us that we might be a blessing to others!