Back in 2008, when Candidate Obama was running for POTUS, and people began to say that he was a Muslim, I called the Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago to ask them about Obama.
I specifically asked, "Is Barack Obama a Christian?"
At the time, I was satisfied with the answer, mainly because I wanted to believe he truly was a Christian.
Yet, now, I am upset with myself for accepting their answer without further inquiry. They answered (and I quote) "Barack Obama is a member of this church."
How stupid can I be? That koolaid tasted good then, but has since left a bitter taste in my mouth.
If he is a Muslim, he's not cutting them much slack. He is killing ALOT of them.
R40 -
Thanks for taking time to leave a comment!
First, I wish I could have retired at 40! ;)
Second, it's allowed under rules of Jihad to kill other Muslims if it brings about a greater destruction to the enemy....
Is his enemies the Muslims or the Christians? He seems to be fighting on the wrong side? He's killing off men, women and children by the 10s of thousands. Just continuing GW's good deeds.
Russ, I would say that his enemies are Americans.
So why isn't he killing their women and children?
Just wait.... He has something worse in mind.
That's a lot of hate you've got going there. I'd cool it down. Not many Muslims get raised by white grandparents and an atheist white mother.
Amazing how Obama fans love to call any kind of criticism "hate". Enjoy the Koolaid, Rusty....
Not an Obama fan. Too much like Bush for me. But the idea that he is a Muslim is fairly idiotic.
You are saying that he is going to do worse than kill 10s of thousands of American women and children. That's some hate. No point denying it.
Well, have a nice day, anyway, Rusty.
How did you access my Facebook page with a Google log in? Is Facebook leaving a calling card on your side of things? Facebook is way out of control if so.
Creepy, isn't it... It has nothing to do with FB and Google being in collusion...
I didn't think it did. But I didn't know Facebook would link to you away from Facebook on an entirely different site. I've seen them provide the option of posting a comment on a site but didn't know it went further.
Maybe it is because you have a Facebook application on your site.
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