Monday, February 07, 2011

Chinese names finally framed

We bought these Chinese caligraphy interpretations of our English names back when we lived in Chiang Mai, Thailand. We bought them at Stanley Market in Hong Kong.  I finally got around to buying a frame and Sally and I put it together this evening.  The top picture is our family at Hong Kong Harbour and the bottom picture is of us in Tianamen Square, Beijing.

I am not happy with my Chinese name interpretation as presented, because I actually have a Chinese name, and that is not it.  My Chinese name is:  方偉基 (in traditional characters) and  方伟基 (in simplified characters).  Of course, it was given to me in 1989 when I lived in Hong Kong.  Its rough meaning is "Great Foundation" which gave me ample opportunity to explain that Jesus Christ is the great foundation in my life, since 基 is the first character in 基督 or "Christ".  In Cantonese, my name is pronounced "Fong Wai Gei".

Now, we just need to find a place to hang it...

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