My "little" sister has a birthday today! Pamela Jo Goodell.
I am so proud of her. She just graduated from Northeastern State University and will begin teaching in a couple of weeks. She put her mind to the task, accomplished it, got a teaching position within weeks of graduation, and will now fulfill a life-time goal of teaching.
(This is the kid that, when she was 5 years old, used to line up the canned goods and "teach" them!)
Happy Birthday, Pam! I love you and am very proud of you!
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Monday, July 27, 2009
Bible Give-away!
Logos Bible Software is celebrating the launch of their new online Bible by giving away 72 ultra-premium print Bibles at a rate of 12 per month for six months. The Bible giveaway is being held at and you can get up to five different entries each month! After you enter, be sure to check out Logos and see how it can revolutionize your Bible study.
Pneumonia Update
Dear friends,
First of all, thanks for praying! I am getting better.
I've had a really rough couple of days. I have had several very high fever spikes. Last night at 2 am, I woke up running a fever of 104.9. I took some ibuprofen and after two hours, I was able to go back to sleep.
The doctor said my condition didn't warrant hospitalization; that we had caught it early enough to treat it at home. I'm on Levoquin 500mg for 10 days. The doctor said total rest; I don't think anything else is possible.
I've had malaria twice. I honestly think this is worse!
I am totally sapped of strength, but I'm bored and needed to do something, so I'm writing this post.
Again, thanks for your prayers!
First of all, thanks for praying! I am getting better.
I've had a really rough couple of days. I have had several very high fever spikes. Last night at 2 am, I woke up running a fever of 104.9. I took some ibuprofen and after two hours, I was able to go back to sleep.
The doctor said my condition didn't warrant hospitalization; that we had caught it early enough to treat it at home. I'm on Levoquin 500mg for 10 days. The doctor said total rest; I don't think anything else is possible.
I've had malaria twice. I honestly think this is worse!
I am totally sapped of strength, but I'm bored and needed to do something, so I'm writing this post.
Again, thanks for your prayers!
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Friday, July 24, 2009
Protect our children!
Are you a dad and are concerned about the negative influence television is having on your children and the children of America? Well, there is something you can do about it. Join One Million Dads dot com. It is an online community of dads aimed at stopping the exploitation of our children-especially by the entertainment industry. Check out their website for more information. Join today! (I did)
Subject Matter
Current Events,
Thursday, July 23, 2009
My Friend, John Pate
For years, I've been telling my friends and family about my friend and former roommate, John Pate. Today, on Facebook, he posted a link to a video of his. You have to see it to believe it!
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Kiamichi Baptist Assembly
For one week a year, the Muskogee Baptist Association takes over the Kiamichi Baptist Assembly for our children's camp. It is located in the beautiful Kiamichi mountains near Talihina, Oklahoma.

Main Gate Entrance Sign

Of course, it is all about the kids. This year we had 671 campers from our Association. Gene "Bubba" Wright was the camp pastor. We had two worship services each day in the Tabernacle.

The kids also had Bible study in individual pavilions. Here Dale Clayton, pastor of FBC Porter, teaches this group of soon to be fifth graders about missions in China.

While it isn't about numbers, we do like to keep track of what decisions are made. This was the board before the last worship service on Friday. Including Friday's total, it would be somewhere around 85-90 kids saved! God does amazing things every year!

Main Gate Entrance Sign

Of course, it is all about the kids. This year we had 671 campers from our Association. Gene "Bubba" Wright was the camp pastor. We had two worship services each day in the Tabernacle.

The kids also had Bible study in individual pavilions. Here Dale Clayton, pastor of FBC Porter, teaches this group of soon to be fifth graders about missions in China.

While it isn't about numbers, we do like to keep track of what decisions are made. This was the board before the last worship service on Friday. Including Friday's total, it would be somewhere around 85-90 kids saved! God does amazing things every year!
My Week at KBA
I volunteered to do any job that no one else wanted to do, or the job that needed to be done. I'm not sure which category it fell into, but I was asked to "do" security at KBA. Having "done" security at our big meetings overseas where we hire two dozen locals to be security guards, where we constantly are concerned with agents from unfriendly countries trying to work their way into our meetings, and where we have consultants come from the US to assess our security strengths and weaknesses, this would be a piece of cake!

This was my "office" for the week.

I worked all alone the first day, registering vehicles and handing out security passes. It wasn't fun in the 103 degree weather, but someone had to do it. The first day, the A/C in the hut didn't work very well and I really did think I was going to have a heat stroke. But, some wonderful ladies from one of the churches had pity on me and brought me some ice water! PTL!

Because I was working "security" I also had to "mind the front gate". This meant that I opened it in the morning and closed it at night. If anyone needed in our out after hours, they came through me. My motel room was the on at the end on the right. One night (or morning) at about 3 am, I had a knock on the door. I was in a drooling dead sleep, but was aroused to take care of it. I heard the men say that they had a camper "with really bad gas" and they needed to take him to the hospital. Well, it was three in the morning; I wasn't going to argue or question the need to take a kid to the hospital over "bad gas". As it turned out, the kid had fallen off his bunk and had a "really bad gash" and needed some stitches. Well, you try....

Throughout the week, the kids were given clues to find colored beads in which to make a witnessing bracelet. Wednesday was the Security Hut's day to give out green beads. Almost every kid in camp came by to ask for green beads. I pretended to misunderstand them and told them that we didn't have any green beans. It was a lot of fun. Later that afternoon, the fire department showed up and asked where the fire was. We were unaware of one and they said there was a report of a forest fire threatening our cabins. That threw us into high gear and we chased all over camp looking for it. On the far edge of camp, we came across someone (on the outside of camp) who was burning trash. A far cry from a forest fire. We were very impressed, however, that two fire trucks and a bulldozer showed up to protect us and the forest! Thursday afternoon, for the first time in camp memory, we had to send everyone to their cabins because of a severe thunderstorm that came through. It was pretty scary (especially in that small hut) with the 60 mph winds. We had a branch get torn off a tree and it fell on a car, but not any real damage.

This was my "office" for the week.

I worked all alone the first day, registering vehicles and handing out security passes. It wasn't fun in the 103 degree weather, but someone had to do it. The first day, the A/C in the hut didn't work very well and I really did think I was going to have a heat stroke. But, some wonderful ladies from one of the churches had pity on me and brought me some ice water! PTL!

Because I was working "security" I also had to "mind the front gate". This meant that I opened it in the morning and closed it at night. If anyone needed in our out after hours, they came through me. My motel room was the on at the end on the right. One night (or morning) at about 3 am, I had a knock on the door. I was in a drooling dead sleep, but was aroused to take care of it. I heard the men say that they had a camper "with really bad gas" and they needed to take him to the hospital. Well, it was three in the morning; I wasn't going to argue or question the need to take a kid to the hospital over "bad gas". As it turned out, the kid had fallen off his bunk and had a "really bad gash" and needed some stitches. Well, you try....

Throughout the week, the kids were given clues to find colored beads in which to make a witnessing bracelet. Wednesday was the Security Hut's day to give out green beads. Almost every kid in camp came by to ask for green beads. I pretended to misunderstand them and told them that we didn't have any green beans. It was a lot of fun. Later that afternoon, the fire department showed up and asked where the fire was. We were unaware of one and they said there was a report of a forest fire threatening our cabins. That threw us into high gear and we chased all over camp looking for it. On the far edge of camp, we came across someone (on the outside of camp) who was burning trash. A far cry from a forest fire. We were very impressed, however, that two fire trucks and a bulldozer showed up to protect us and the forest! Thursday afternoon, for the first time in camp memory, we had to send everyone to their cabins because of a severe thunderstorm that came through. It was pretty scary (especially in that small hut) with the 60 mph winds. We had a branch get torn off a tree and it fell on a car, but not any real damage.
Camp Grounds

Old Number 10 Cabin was built in 1930 and rebuilt in 1996. It currently houses the KBA Historical Museum.

This view is from the gate looking across one of the three ball fields into the main part of the camp. The end of the tabernacle is seen on the far right and Uncle Bill's Cabin is the building on the left.

Behind one of the cabins is this pretty little bridge.

One of the many activities for the kids is archery. It is new for 2009.
Wednesday, I celebrated my birthday at camp. Being away from your birthday is a big deal when you are a kid, but it didn't bother me (too much) this year.

Wednesday evening, Audrey, Emily, and Emily's friend, Sydney, came to my room and started pulling a party out of a bag! They had balloons, presents, and made a "cake" out of Little Debbie's Swiss Rolls, complete with candles!

For me, that was the sweetest thing the girls have ever done. Sally said they had the idea all by themselves and wanted very specific things to bring.
Thanks, girls! I love you!

Wednesday evening, Audrey, Emily, and Emily's friend, Sydney, came to my room and started pulling a party out of a bag! They had balloons, presents, and made a "cake" out of Little Debbie's Swiss Rolls, complete with candles!

For me, that was the sweetest thing the girls have ever done. Sally said they had the idea all by themselves and wanted very specific things to bring.
Thanks, girls! I love you!
Bill Sherrill

Bill Sherrill is the Director of Missions for the Muskogee Baptist Association. He does a great job, even though he continually tells everyone that he doesn't know what he is doing. Well, all week at camp, we had some REAL problems with bees. Many, MANY of the kids were stung and our camp nurse, Kristy Hoos and her husband, Dr. Tracy Hoos, were very busy tending to the stings. The very last day of camp, during the very last session, Bill finally got zapped on his thumb. The Hooses quickly attended to his boo-boo and made him feel all better. Tracy told him not to swat at the bees anymore.

Claudio Valencia is MBA's Assistant Director of Mission and our Hispanic Missionary. He did NOT want to go to camp this year. However, as you can tell from this picture, he shucked his shoes and his "inner-camper" came out!
Way to go Claudio!
Last day of camp

Wanda Haley is the secretary (that word just doesn't describe at all what she really does) at the Muskogee Baptist Association. At KBA, she serves as the camp administrator (for lack of a better word). She maintains the office there and makes sure things happen. She is the "go-to" lady for problems and assistance.
It appears the last day that she had been a little overwhelmed all week long.
GREAT JOB, WANDA! Thanks for all you do!
A Pastor's Camp Challenge

Gary McKeen, pastor of FBC, Haskell, challenged his campers AND sponsors to memorize the books of the New Testament, and two or three had to memorize all the books of the Bible. If everyone in his cabin successfully completed this task, he would allow his hair and beard to be dyed pink.
The picture speaks for itself.
Monday, July 20, 2009
40 years ago today
40 years ago today, I had been five years old for five days. I was playing, like any five year old does, when my grandfather called me in to watch something on TV. It was humans landing on our home-base's satellite for the first time. I remember my grandfather, Doll Boy, telling me to watch this and I would remember it for the rest of my life.
He was right.
What seems absurd now, seemed like the thing to do back in 1969, so my grandfather when to get his binoculars to take a look at the moon to see if he could see the astronauts. Much to his dissappointment, he couldn't. Much to my frustration, I couldn't even find the moon looking through those heavy black devices.
My grandfather died 6 years later, but the memory of that day lives on. In fact, it was he that made it special; not a couple of guys walking on the moon.
He was right.
"Doll Boy" and me, a year or two before 1969.
What seems absurd now, seemed like the thing to do back in 1969, so my grandfather when to get his binoculars to take a look at the moon to see if he could see the astronauts. Much to his dissappointment, he couldn't. Much to my frustration, I couldn't even find the moon looking through those heavy black devices.
My grandfather died 6 years later, but the memory of that day lives on. In fact, it was he that made it special; not a couple of guys walking on the moon.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Thursday, July 09, 2009
How to blow a couple million dollars
The guy is saying "I can't believe it" in Spanish.
Wednesday, July 08, 2009
Peculiar Date and Time Stamp
This entry was posted at 12:34:56 7/8/09.
Kind of fun, huh?
Kind of fun, huh?
Long Awaited Post on Michael Jackson
There has been so much media hype surrounding the death of Michael Jackson, that I really didn't want to weigh in on the subject, just to add to it, but I can wait no longer.
He was a man. He lived. He died. Now he will face judgment, just like everyone else. If, indeed, he did accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior a week before he passed into eternity, then he is covered by the blood of Jesus and will live with God forever in Heaven.
If he did not (of which I am not his judge) then he will face judgment without an advocate and will spend eternity out of the presence of God in a real place called Hell.
His money, his fame, his earthly success mean nothing at the judgment seat of God.
What about you? If you were to die today, would YOU be covered by the blood of Jesus, or are you planning on your earthly deeds to "get you through"?
You can have eternal life through Jesus Christ. Click on the tap at the top right "Do You Know Jesus" for more information, or email me.
He was a man. He lived. He died. Now he will face judgment, just like everyone else. If, indeed, he did accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior a week before he passed into eternity, then he is covered by the blood of Jesus and will live with God forever in Heaven.
If he did not (of which I am not his judge) then he will face judgment without an advocate and will spend eternity out of the presence of God in a real place called Hell.
His money, his fame, his earthly success mean nothing at the judgment seat of God.
What about you? If you were to die today, would YOU be covered by the blood of Jesus, or are you planning on your earthly deeds to "get you through"?
You can have eternal life through Jesus Christ. Click on the tap at the top right "Do You Know Jesus" for more information, or email me.
Subject Matter
Current Events,
Jehovah Witness
Monday, July 06, 2009
Fourth of July BBQ

Dad is known for his smoked meats. Here he is at his craft.

Mom cooks for days before the party. Here is just a small portion of the buffet line!
A little fishing never hurt anybody
We had a REALLY good day fishing either Thursday or Friday. The Crappie were really biting!

Audrey caught several nice "keepers".

Dad caught a couple of nice ones and wanted to help clean.

I think we cleaned a total of 11 good sized Crappie. Sally fried them Friday evening and they were DELICIOUS!

Audrey caught several nice "keepers".

Dad caught a couple of nice ones and wanted to help clean.

I think we cleaned a total of 11 good sized Crappie. Sally fried them Friday evening and they were DELICIOUS!
Lake Fun
Mom and Dad bought a 'new' Cobalt ski/pleasure boat this spring. This was the first time we had the opportunity to get it out and see what it would do.

The girls went tubing and had a blast. It was the first time for both of them.

The girls went tubing and had a blast. It was the first time for both of them.


Last Wednesday, Sally took off a few hours early and we all headed out to Lake Ft. Gibson for an extended holiday weekend. We really needed it.
We stayed at my parent's house, but they weren't there. So, we had the Boyne Resort all to ourselves!
Books Needed for Church Library
I pastor Immanuel Southern Baptist Church in Wagoner, OK.
We are a small congregation, but God is doing some AMAZING things!
Recently, the woman who manages our church library has expressed a need for new
books and other resources. We do not have any funds set aside to purchase books
and DVD's so I thought I might appeal to you.
We have an urgent need for the following types of books:
children (3rd grade - up)
young adult
Christian Fiction
Christian Historical
Christian Biographical
Christian Missions
We also have a need for children, family, and Christian DVD's.
If you feel led to send us your used books, we will be happy to send you a
receipt for your taxes. (just let me know)
Please send the books and DVD's to:
Immanuel So. Baptist Church
Attn: Jean Willey
611 N. Gertrude Ave
Wagoner, OK 74467
Thank you in advance!
Rick Boyne
Immanuel Southern Baptist Church
We are a small congregation, but God is doing some AMAZING things!
Recently, the woman who manages our church library has expressed a need for new
books and other resources. We do not have any funds set aside to purchase books
and DVD's so I thought I might appeal to you.
We have an urgent need for the following types of books:
children (3rd grade - up)
young adult
Christian Fiction
Christian Historical
Christian Biographical
Christian Missions
We also have a need for children, family, and Christian DVD's.
If you feel led to send us your used books, we will be happy to send you a
receipt for your taxes. (just let me know)
Please send the books and DVD's to:
Immanuel So. Baptist Church
Attn: Jean Willey
611 N. Gertrude Ave
Wagoner, OK 74467
Thank you in advance!
Rick Boyne
Immanuel Southern Baptist Church
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