I found this fun little site called, stoodthere.com. It gives users the opportunity to place pictures of themselves at famous/exciting landmarks on their site.
My profile is here. I just opened it up today and only have a few photos uploaded so far.
Check it out!
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Stay Away from Keystone Chevrolet
Last Friday, Sally and I both had the day off and the kids were with my sister, so we decided to do a little window shopping/test driving of used cars. We had seen the TV ads for Keystone Chevrolet in Sand Springs, OK. Their ads should have told us what they would be like.
It was, perhaps, the worst car shopping experience I have ever had. Under no circumstances will I ever step foot on their car lot again and highly urge you to do the same.
The young salesman, Bentley, was nice enough and I am sure he was just following mis-directed company policy, up to a point. However, he would not give us a price on the used car we were looking at. We asked what they were asking for it and he said he'd have to go inside to get it. We went for a test drive and he told us all about his personal problems. (Sally and I get that a lot) As we pulled back in the lot, he suggested we pull into the first parking place and come inside with him to get the price.
I can handle myself with car salesmen. The more experience I gain with them, the less I put up with their antics. He herded us into his cubicle, sat us down and proceeded to fill out some sort of "contact form". I protested and said all we wanted to know was the price they were asking for the car. He said it was company policy to fill out that form and he would get our price right after it was complete. (This is where I should have gotten up and left, but I learned that for next time). He went and got the price for the car, which was about $3000-3500 more than what it should sell for. Then the dumbest question that car salesmen ever came up with was asked: "What's it gonna take for us to get you into that car TODAY?"
I explained, as I have with most car dealers in NE OK, that we were just looking and never bought a car without time to think and pray about it. This is when the young man got indignant and began to rant about our not being serious and why would we test drive the car and ask about the price if we weren't serious about buying that car. That's when I stood up, said "thank you" and walked out the door. (BTW, they never offered to drive us to the far side of the lot where our car was parked)
I cannot believe that the sales manager didn't see what was going on and how Sally and I were shaking our heads in disbelief as we exited the showroom. I cannot believe that the sales manager didn't follow a couple out of the showroom who were visibly upset by the transactions of the sales staff. Even more, I cannot believe, that since they have my name and phone number, the sales manager has not called me to see about that episode.
So, due to their sales techniques and tactics and their lack of concern for disgruntled potential customers, I now say to you, "Stay as far away from Keystone Chevrolet as you possibly can. Don't step foot on their lot even if they say they are GIVING their cars away because there will be a catch."
Oh, and don't forget their exorbitant "Documentation Fee", whatever that is.
For pity sakes.
PS: I sent this post to GM Corporate Headquarters. I seriously doubt they will do anything either.
It was, perhaps, the worst car shopping experience I have ever had. Under no circumstances will I ever step foot on their car lot again and highly urge you to do the same.
The young salesman, Bentley, was nice enough and I am sure he was just following mis-directed company policy, up to a point. However, he would not give us a price on the used car we were looking at. We asked what they were asking for it and he said he'd have to go inside to get it. We went for a test drive and he told us all about his personal problems. (Sally and I get that a lot) As we pulled back in the lot, he suggested we pull into the first parking place and come inside with him to get the price.
I can handle myself with car salesmen. The more experience I gain with them, the less I put up with their antics. He herded us into his cubicle, sat us down and proceeded to fill out some sort of "contact form". I protested and said all we wanted to know was the price they were asking for the car. He said it was company policy to fill out that form and he would get our price right after it was complete. (This is where I should have gotten up and left, but I learned that for next time). He went and got the price for the car, which was about $3000-3500 more than what it should sell for. Then the dumbest question that car salesmen ever came up with was asked: "What's it gonna take for us to get you into that car TODAY?"
I explained, as I have with most car dealers in NE OK, that we were just looking and never bought a car without time to think and pray about it. This is when the young man got indignant and began to rant about our not being serious and why would we test drive the car and ask about the price if we weren't serious about buying that car. That's when I stood up, said "thank you" and walked out the door. (BTW, they never offered to drive us to the far side of the lot where our car was parked)
I cannot believe that the sales manager didn't see what was going on and how Sally and I were shaking our heads in disbelief as we exited the showroom. I cannot believe that the sales manager didn't follow a couple out of the showroom who were visibly upset by the transactions of the sales staff. Even more, I cannot believe, that since they have my name and phone number, the sales manager has not called me to see about that episode.
So, due to their sales techniques and tactics and their lack of concern for disgruntled potential customers, I now say to you, "Stay as far away from Keystone Chevrolet as you possibly can. Don't step foot on their lot even if they say they are GIVING their cars away because there will be a catch."
Oh, and don't forget their exorbitant "Documentation Fee", whatever that is.
For pity sakes.
PS: I sent this post to GM Corporate Headquarters. I seriously doubt they will do anything either.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Alligator Bait
I completely forgot I was a recording artist! How silly of me!?!
Back in 1988, I performed and was recorded on the deliriously classic song "Alligator Bait" by Kevin Shinn and Bill Johnson.
Don't believe me? Just go here and look on the right hand side in the credits. You'll have to listen to the song to understand about "hups".
[HT: Dane Tate]
Back in 1988, I performed and was recorded on the deliriously classic song "Alligator Bait" by Kevin Shinn and Bill Johnson.
Don't believe me? Just go here and look on the right hand side in the credits. You'll have to listen to the song to understand about "hups".
[HT: Dane Tate]
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Farrah Fawcett
Farrah lost her battle with cancer. She was 62.
I had the (in)famous swimsuit poster in my room when I was but a lad. I even had a t-shirt with that picture on it. (I don't have it anymore; Sally made me take it down)
June 25th
You know what that means, don't you???
Only six months until CHRISTMAS!!!!!!
Only six months until CHRISTMAS!!!!!!
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Heat Wave
Boy! It is HOT!!
I took a snapshot of my screen a few minutes ago and saw that the Wagoner temperature was 103!
In fact, we are under an "Excessive Heat Warning" because of the high humidity and high dew point levels:
I took a snapshot of my screen a few minutes ago and saw that the Wagoner temperature was 103!
In fact, we are under an "Excessive Heat Warning" because of the high humidity and high dew point levels:
Why me?
Yet another funny story to relate today: Yesterday, I traveled to Tulsa to be with my wife's parents as my father-in-law had a minor procedure to replace the battery in his pace maker. (That's not the funny part) Just after they had taken him into surgery, I asked my mother-in-law if she had had lunch yet. She said "no", so I offered to go get her and my sister-in-law something from the hospital cafeteria.
Let's just say it was an adventure.
St. Francis Hospital is quite large and has many banks of elevators and several different 'hospitals' or 'clinics' within the complex. We were in the Heart Center. I tried to make my way to the cafeteria, but I found myself outside at entrance to the Heart Center. I decided that instead of going back through the maze of corridors, I would simply walk around to the front main entrance where I could find my way from there. I forgot that it was 100 degrees and the short walk was quite hot!
I finally found the "Food Court". I guess modern hospitals are too fancy to have cafeterias. This one sells Starbuck's coffee... In any case, most of the courts within the Food Court were closed. All my in-laws wanted was a nice ham or chicken sandwich. The Deli Court was closed. As was the Pizza Court, Mexican Court, Soup Court, and one or two others that I can't recall.
The only "court" that was open was the Grill. They had one woman working as hard as she could frying burgers. The line wrapped around the salad bar and the donut cabinet. I had passed a vending machine room, so I thought I might try my luck there.
As I found the vending machines, I was happy to see one that sold sandwiches. Since it was about 2:30, there was only one sandwich left in the machine. It was $3.75. All I had was a $20 bill and the machines didn't take ATM cards. There was a change machine that said it accepted all paper denominations up to $20. I honestly figured that if you put in a $20 bill, you'd get back $5 worth of quarters and paper money to make up the difference.
Boy! Was I wrong!!
As I finally got the machine to accept my $20, it started spitting out quarters. It threw quarters on the floor and finally stopped. Just as I had retrieved all the quarters out of the holder and off the floor, it started spewing coins again! Fortunately, some of the coins were dollar coins, everything from Susan B. Antony, Sacajawea and the new Presidential dollars.
I finally recovered from that, then tried to buy the lone sandwich. I punched the buttons and made the sandwich come around to where I could pull back the little latch and get my goods. I dutifully deposited 3 dollar coins and 3 quarters.
I tried pulling on the little latch, but it kept saying "off line". I honestly had no idea what that meant, so I kept pulling latches and pushing buttons. Finally, I decided I'd start over, so I hit the "coin return" button.
I got exactly .55 back. Five dimes and a nickel. Go figure.
I thought about giving up, but then I remember my mother-in-law and that she was hungry, so I decided to try it again.
My sister-in-law also wanted a sandwich, but she wasn't going to get one. She did say she'd like some plain potato chips. Wouldn't you know that the vending machine didn't sell plain potato chips?!?
BBQ Fritos, BBQ chips, wavy Sun Chips, Funions, Doritos were all in abundance. But no Lays...
So, I buy her the Dr. Pepper she asked for and a bag of Cheese-its. I get my mother-in-law the bottle of water she requested. I take the $10.95 worth of vending machine lunch back up to the Cardio-Out-Patient-Surgery-Waiting-Room (after I had to stop and ask directions twice) just in time for them to call and say that my father-in-law was out of surgery and we could come back and meet him in the recovery room!
They drank the Dr. Pepper and water. I don't know what happened to the sandwich and Cheese-its.
Why do things like this always happen to me?
Let's just say it was an adventure.
St. Francis Hospital is quite large and has many banks of elevators and several different 'hospitals' or 'clinics' within the complex. We were in the Heart Center. I tried to make my way to the cafeteria, but I found myself outside at entrance to the Heart Center. I decided that instead of going back through the maze of corridors, I would simply walk around to the front main entrance where I could find my way from there. I forgot that it was 100 degrees and the short walk was quite hot!
I finally found the "Food Court". I guess modern hospitals are too fancy to have cafeterias. This one sells Starbuck's coffee... In any case, most of the courts within the Food Court were closed. All my in-laws wanted was a nice ham or chicken sandwich. The Deli Court was closed. As was the Pizza Court, Mexican Court, Soup Court, and one or two others that I can't recall.
The only "court" that was open was the Grill. They had one woman working as hard as she could frying burgers. The line wrapped around the salad bar and the donut cabinet. I had passed a vending machine room, so I thought I might try my luck there.
As I found the vending machines, I was happy to see one that sold sandwiches. Since it was about 2:30, there was only one sandwich left in the machine. It was $3.75. All I had was a $20 bill and the machines didn't take ATM cards. There was a change machine that said it accepted all paper denominations up to $20. I honestly figured that if you put in a $20 bill, you'd get back $5 worth of quarters and paper money to make up the difference.
Boy! Was I wrong!!
As I finally got the machine to accept my $20, it started spitting out quarters. It threw quarters on the floor and finally stopped. Just as I had retrieved all the quarters out of the holder and off the floor, it started spewing coins again! Fortunately, some of the coins were dollar coins, everything from Susan B. Antony, Sacajawea and the new Presidential dollars.
I finally recovered from that, then tried to buy the lone sandwich. I punched the buttons and made the sandwich come around to where I could pull back the little latch and get my goods. I dutifully deposited 3 dollar coins and 3 quarters.
I tried pulling on the little latch, but it kept saying "off line". I honestly had no idea what that meant, so I kept pulling latches and pushing buttons. Finally, I decided I'd start over, so I hit the "coin return" button.
I got exactly .55 back. Five dimes and a nickel. Go figure.
I thought about giving up, but then I remember my mother-in-law and that she was hungry, so I decided to try it again.
My sister-in-law also wanted a sandwich, but she wasn't going to get one. She did say she'd like some plain potato chips. Wouldn't you know that the vending machine didn't sell plain potato chips?!?
BBQ Fritos, BBQ chips, wavy Sun Chips, Funions, Doritos were all in abundance. But no Lays...
So, I buy her the Dr. Pepper she asked for and a bag of Cheese-its. I get my mother-in-law the bottle of water she requested. I take the $10.95 worth of vending machine lunch back up to the Cardio-Out-Patient-Surgery-Waiting-Room (after I had to stop and ask directions twice) just in time for them to call and say that my father-in-law was out of surgery and we could come back and meet him in the recovery room!
They drank the Dr. Pepper and water. I don't know what happened to the sandwich and Cheese-its.
Why do things like this always happen to me?
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Social Networking
The current buzz is social networking. I have bought into two forms only, for the time being:
Facebook = www.facebook.com/rick.boyne
Twitter = www.twitter.com/rboyne
As of June 18, 2009, I have only 35 followers on Twitter (I'm new) and 614 Friends on Facebook.
I really like Facebook. (My friend, Steve Heartsill said, today, that I was addicted. Hmmmm) FB has given me the opportunity to get in touch with folks that I went to elementary school with! I have even "met" a few new "friends" through Facebook.
Twitter is a little more esoteric. I have set it up so that my Twitter update automatically update my Facebook status. I personally don't find Twitter to be as useful as FB, but I'm working on it.
So, here is your invitation to be my "Facebook Friend" or to "Follow ME" on Twitter. If I've never met you before, just mention that you saw my invitation on my blog.
Facebook = www.facebook.com/rick.boyne
Twitter = www.twitter.com/rboyne
As of June 18, 2009, I have only 35 followers on Twitter (I'm new) and 614 Friends on Facebook.
I really like Facebook. (My friend, Steve Heartsill said, today, that I was addicted. Hmmmm) FB has given me the opportunity to get in touch with folks that I went to elementary school with! I have even "met" a few new "friends" through Facebook.
Twitter is a little more esoteric. I have set it up so that my Twitter update automatically update my Facebook status. I personally don't find Twitter to be as useful as FB, but I'm working on it.
So, here is your invitation to be my "Facebook Friend" or to "Follow ME" on Twitter. If I've never met you before, just mention that you saw my invitation on my blog.
To Obama Supporters:
To everyone who voted for Obama, let me be among the first to say:
You voted for change, but you didn't know that he was going to sell our country down the river.
May God have mercy on us all.
You voted for change, but you didn't know that he was going to sell our country down the river.
May God have mercy on us all.
Subject Matter
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Last Day of VBS
This storm arrived just about the time I needed to give the final invitation on the last day of VBS.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Why I'm Not Attending the SBC in Louisville
I not attending the Southern Baptist Convention this year in Louisville.
It's not because I think it is irrelevant; I think it is very important.
It's not because I loathe the politics that will go on. Don't get me wrong; I don't like religious politicians. They are no better than modern day Pharisees.
It's not because I have lost interest in what the SBC is doing. I think God will still use our Convention.
It's not because I have given up on the Southern Baptist denomination. Despite so-called "declining numbers" I see our church growing.
It's not because I don't believe in the direction of the convention.
It's not because I don't believe in the leadership.
These are all "good" excuses for not attending. But the sad fact of the matter of why I am not attending the convention this year is because I don't have the funds to go.
That may also sound like an excuse, but it is completely valid. I can't blame the economy. I can't blame my church (because I didn't request the funds in last year's budget). But I just don't have the discretionary money to go to KY.
Now, if they were making it live on the internet or even had satellite venues, then I'd be there!
So, I'm not going because I can't afford it.
It's not because I think it is irrelevant; I think it is very important.
It's not because I loathe the politics that will go on. Don't get me wrong; I don't like religious politicians. They are no better than modern day Pharisees.
It's not because I have lost interest in what the SBC is doing. I think God will still use our Convention.
It's not because I have given up on the Southern Baptist denomination. Despite so-called "declining numbers" I see our church growing.
It's not because I don't believe in the direction of the convention.
It's not because I don't believe in the leadership.
These are all "good" excuses for not attending. But the sad fact of the matter of why I am not attending the convention this year is because I don't have the funds to go.
That may also sound like an excuse, but it is completely valid. I can't blame the economy. I can't blame my church (because I didn't request the funds in last year's budget). But I just don't have the discretionary money to go to KY.
Now, if they were making it live on the internet or even had satellite venues, then I'd be there!
So, I'm not going because I can't afford it.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
VBS Update
First of all, thank you to all who participated in our VBS by praying for us this week! You and your prayers are appreciated!
VBS went very well. Monday, we only had 8 kids. Tuesday we had 15 or 16. Wednesday through Friday we had about 12-14 kids daily.
Friday, I gave an invitation and one little girl responded and asked Jesus in her heart to be saved!
Sunday, we will have our VBS Celebration in our evening service. We will have the kids sing the songs they learned, watch a Power Point Presentation of the week, and I'll give a simple and clear presentation of the Gospel. Afterward, we will have a craft show and a reception for the kids and their parents. We are now praying for this time, that the parents will come with their children.
We are very happy with the results of this VBS. This is the first one in about 6 years that our church has conducted. All the workers were so excited, they are already making plans for next year's VBS!
Again, thanks so much for praying for us during our week of VBS; we truly felt your prayers!
VBS went very well. Monday, we only had 8 kids. Tuesday we had 15 or 16. Wednesday through Friday we had about 12-14 kids daily.
Friday, I gave an invitation and one little girl responded and asked Jesus in her heart to be saved!
Sunday, we will have our VBS Celebration in our evening service. We will have the kids sing the songs they learned, watch a Power Point Presentation of the week, and I'll give a simple and clear presentation of the Gospel. Afterward, we will have a craft show and a reception for the kids and their parents. We are now praying for this time, that the parents will come with their children.
We are very happy with the results of this VBS. This is the first one in about 6 years that our church has conducted. All the workers were so excited, they are already making plans for next year's VBS!
Again, thanks so much for praying for us during our week of VBS; we truly felt your prayers!
Sunday, June 07, 2009

The new header picture is a photo I snapped in Mongolia a few years ago. (If you were wondering) I think this is one of the prettiest scenes I have ever seen!
Subject Matter
Travels in Asia
Saturday, June 06, 2009
Urgent Prayer Request
Will you please take just a moment and pray for us at Immanuel Southern Baptist Church? We are going to have our first Vacation Bible School in more than 5 years starting Monday. Wagoner has a paper that comes out once a week. We put all of our advertising effort into the paper for this week. Somehow, our notice did not make the paper, therefore, only the fliers we have placed around town and some personal invitations are the only publicity we will.
We have had many oppositions to overcome to conduct this VBS. The enemy has been against us at every turn. Please pray that God's power will overwhelm the enemy and that He will bring children to our VBS.
Thank you for participating in this ministry with us!
We have had many oppositions to overcome to conduct this VBS. The enemy has been against us at every turn. Please pray that God's power will overwhelm the enemy and that He will bring children to our VBS.
Thank you for participating in this ministry with us!
Wednesday, June 03, 2009
Quick Family Update
It has been a quiet week around Chez Boyne this week. Audrey left for Falls Creek Baptist Assembly. Emily went to my mother's house. Sally started her summer hours; working 4 "10's" and off Friday. She leaves before I get up and doesn't get home til almost 6 pm.
VBS at our church starts next week. God is doing some amazing things at Immanuel Southern. Last Sunday, I baptized a young man, then his whole family joined our church. Two other couples joined as well, and I'll be baptizing one of the men from that lot next Sunday!
This Sunday, we'll also have a man come who is looking to be our new Minister of Music. We have been blessed to have had several wonderful interims, but Tom lives directly behind the church and can hardly wait to start!
I was so tired when I got home yesterday and had had a bad headache all day long that I decided that I didn't want to mow the grass. In retrospect, I wish I had, as it rained all night long last night. I'll simply HAVE to mow tomorrow evening. I can't do it this evening because of mid-week prayer meeting and Bible study.
Missy, our dumb cat, has fleas. I should say, "is infested with fleas". During my lunch time, I bathed her and bombed the house. She is with me in the church office this afternoon while the poison does its magic. It's hard to get work done with her in the office. She tries to sit in my lap and when I push her down, she jumps up on my shoulders. I think she has brain damage...
Well, that should suffice as something on my blog for this week. I've just been so busy lately, that I have let this part of my life "go".
When you get time, or happen to think about it, please pray for our VBS next week. This is the first one our church has done in 5 or 6 years.
VBS at our church starts next week. God is doing some amazing things at Immanuel Southern. Last Sunday, I baptized a young man, then his whole family joined our church. Two other couples joined as well, and I'll be baptizing one of the men from that lot next Sunday!
This Sunday, we'll also have a man come who is looking to be our new Minister of Music. We have been blessed to have had several wonderful interims, but Tom lives directly behind the church and can hardly wait to start!
I was so tired when I got home yesterday and had had a bad headache all day long that I decided that I didn't want to mow the grass. In retrospect, I wish I had, as it rained all night long last night. I'll simply HAVE to mow tomorrow evening. I can't do it this evening because of mid-week prayer meeting and Bible study.
Missy, our dumb cat, has fleas. I should say, "is infested with fleas". During my lunch time, I bathed her and bombed the house. She is with me in the church office this afternoon while the poison does its magic. It's hard to get work done with her in the office. She tries to sit in my lap and when I push her down, she jumps up on my shoulders. I think she has brain damage...
Well, that should suffice as something on my blog for this week. I've just been so busy lately, that I have let this part of my life "go".
When you get time, or happen to think about it, please pray for our VBS next week. This is the first one our church has done in 5 or 6 years.
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