We, as a family, like honey buns. Iced or not-iced, we like them. Sally found a box of eight iced honey buns yesterday at the store and we had one for breakfast (after the girls went to school).
When Sally went to pick up the girls from school yesterday afternoon, they ran on in the house ahead of their mother. By the time Sally got in, they had found the honey buns and were well into eating them. Sally gave them a hard time and said, "Hey! Those are MY honey buns!". Audrey, ever the astute child that she is, said, "We aren't overseas anymore!".
Sally was telling me about that this morning as we were having another honey bun. We NEVER saw them for sale when we lived in Africa, and the ONLY time I ever saw them for sale was when I visited Mongolia. So, we laughed together and said that at least we didn't have to go to Mongolia for our honey buns! Ain't America Great?!?