Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Flood Number 3

This whole flood thing has me puzzled.  The authorities said they were going to release water from the dam last night at midnight, but they didn’t.  The Army is out en masse placing sandbags all along the Ping River and along a brand new earth dike that has been placed along a low point on the river bank.  According to the flood monitoring website, the river level has been dropping for two days.  Why didn’t they release water?  Are they gambling that Typhoon Damrey will go outside our rain basin?  What is the deal?  Are they going to inundate the city with flood water after they see the rain starting to fall?  In my opinion, this is very bad flood management.  Actually, it isn’t management at all.  Wassup with that?  Don’t get me wrong.  I would rather it NOT flood.  But we are ready for it if it does.  (I hope)



Anonymous said...


Have a look, it show's Damrey will miss you.

Rick Boyne said...

Yes, the storm will, but the rains won't.