I have a confession to make. I hope you won't defriend me over this. Here it goes:
Wednesday, January 29, 2025
Tofu or not tofu
Saturday, January 11, 2025
The Sting
“It is not an enemy who taunts me— I could bear that. It is not my foes who so arrogantly insult me— I could have hidden from them. Instead, it is you—my equal, my companion and close friend. What good fellowship we once enjoyed as we walked together to the house of God.”
Psalms 55:12-14 NLT
Monday, December 30, 2024
2024 Recap
On a "school scale" that is, 1-100, I'd have to give this year a 68 D+. Worse than average, but not a failure.
Others haven't seen it that way. There are some folks who think I have either failed, or am currently failing.
Don't get me wrong; God has continued to bless me abundantly! He certainly has never failed me.
I had some big milestones:
I turned the big Six-O
I published my second novel.
Sally and I celebrated our 32nd wedding anniversary.
I marked 17 years in the pastorate and nearly 30 years in the ministry.
Most of the negative things that brought this year down to a D+ are things that I simply cannot write about in public. (Not that anyone really reads this blog.)
I had a 5 week sabbatical planned for October, but due to circumstances, I had to postpone it until next year.
I learned a valuable, but costly lesson; I must watch who I trust.
I was making great progress on my third novel when things took a nosedive. I haven't had the gumption to write since August.
There is no pleasure in being accused of what the accuser is doing.
This is by far the most I've written about the betrayal and the pain that follows. Through this, I have tried to keep Exodus 14:14 in mind," The Lord will fight for you while you keep silent."
I haven't tried to defend myself which my adversaries see as weakness or even guilt. I'm taking a cue from Jesus who didn't answer his accusers and let them make fools of themselves.
And, good grief! Don't think that I am taking a "holier than thou" attitude. I know my sin. As King David said in Psalm 51, "My sin is ever before me."
And I'm tired. So very tired. I started the year with gout and ending with severe back pain. Oh, and I just got over pneumonia.
May God bless us all in 2025!
Sunday, August 04, 2024
17 Years as Pastor
August 1 was my 17th anniversary of being the pastor of Immanuel Southern Baptist Church! There have been multitudes great wonderful things that far outweigh the not so wonderful things. I praise the Lord for His faithfulness to me, my family, and our church! I praise the Lord for all the wonderful relationships over these years. I look forward to seeing what He’s yet to do!
Wednesday, July 24, 2024
Turning 60
There's no use denying it. I'm sixty years old.
When I was a kid, sixty seemed ancient. When I turned thirty, people who were sixty were still old, in my way of thinking.
But now that I'm here, I realize age is just a number.
My sister threw me a fantastic party. She worked for weeks pulling pics off Facebook and scanning others to have them in incredible themed displays.
I invited a very select few people. I would have loved to invite everyone I know, but I truly wanted a more intimate setting.
Then they started telling stories. Some were embarrassing. Some were hilarious. And some were so sweet they brought tears to my eyes.
My life-long friend, Martin, came. He lives in Branson, Mo. I don't get to see him nearly enough. Although, we have the kind of friendship where we can pick up where we left off and not lose any time over it.
Earlier in the day, at my house, my wife, Sally, and two daughters (along with their families) presented me with a Webber grill! I was not merely surprised. I was overwhelmed.
On my actual birthday, July 15, my second novel was published. It's called Peering into the Darkness. It is Christian fiction, subgenre supernatural mystery. You can find it anywhere ebooks or sold or in paperback on Amazon and Barnes & Noble.
I know this: I still feel very young on the inside. How young? I don't know. Maybe 17? Perhaps 22?
My hair has started turning gray. Oh, I had some gray before, but now? Wow! At least it isn't falling out.
I'm not going to complain about the minor body aches. Nobody wants to hear it and it wouldn't do any good, anyway.
However, I am going to brag on God! In my sixty years, He has proved Himself faithful. In my sixty years, He has ALWAYS provided for me. In my sixty years, He has given me joy. Real joy.
God has led me all over this world. And He has made arrangements for me in the next, through faith in Jesus Christ!
I don't know how many years I have left on this earth. I have a wife that loves me, children that love me, and grandchildren who love me. My two daughters have married fine godly men. God is blessing the church I pastor like I've not experienced.
No matter what comes, Jesus is my Savior and sustainer! Happy, indeed, birthday to me!
Friday, June 21, 2024
Peering into the Darkness
My second novel, "Peering into the Darkness" is set to be published on July 15, 2024, by NEOK Publishing. Paperback will retail for $21.99; ebook for $6.99. It will be available on all ebook platforms. Check back for pre-order links.
If you are interested in an autographed copy, please contact me at rick@rickboyne.com Sorry, but I am unable to autograph ebook copies. :D
Thursday, February 01, 2024
Jackpot! in ebook format
My first novel that I published in 2022 is finally available in ebook format! Unfortunately, there is a hitch with Amazon and it did not link my paperback and ebook. But, you can order the Kindle version here:
As far as I know, it is now available worldwide on practically every ebook platform including Apple Books and Barnes and Noble.
Thank you for your support!
Tuesday, January 23, 2024
Jackpot! eBook available February 1, 2024
I am pleased to announce that my debut novel, which is already available in paperback will be available on all eBook platforms February 1, 2024. It can be pre-ordered on many of the platforms now at
It can be purchased as an eBook for $6.99 which beats the publisher's paperback price of $24.99 by $18!
Thank you in advance!
Sunday, January 21, 2024
When Opinions Divide
I recently looked at some Facebook pages of people who de-friended me over the past several years. Some of them defriended me because I held certain OPINIONS of things going on in the government or in certain disease related things.
They laughed at me, even belittled me for questioning the popular narrative regarding presidents, both current and former. They ridiculed me for questioning the so-called science behind the last pandemic and completely dismissed me and my opinions saying things like "you better adjust your tin foil hat" or "you belong to a cult" or even better, "no TRUE Christian would never even dare think that way."
Well, I'll give them this: they are tenacious and consistent.
Despite recently exposed FACTS about government things and health care things, they are still towing the popular narrative, right down to thinking that everyone should still be wearing face masks.
Even when their FB posts where public and I could have commented on them, I didn't, because they have the right to their own opinion.
I'm definitely not claiming to be perfect. I certainly am not. Nor do I expect others to be perfect. I do expect a certain amount of courtesy when giving a differing opinion among friends and former colleagues. Why can't we disagree without name calling?
I guess it comes down to this: when you see you are losing an argument to facts, quit the argument and start attacking the person.
I've been told numerous times to "follow the science." Fine. Whose science? The politicians' science? Big pharma's science? Liberal science? Conservative science?
When I was growing up, science used to be just facts. Now it seems it is whatever agenda the entity paying for it becomes "real" science.
How dare you tell me to not "question the science." I thought that's how you did science.
How dare you tell me to not question the news? I will question it until it quits reporting opinion as news. And then I'll still question it.
So, what is the purpose of this post? I'm not sure. Maybe I just needed to get it off my chest.
Thanks for listening/reading.
Thursday, November 16, 2023
Jesus Is Enough
When I was in my mid-twenties, I lived in Los Angeles. I was preparing for missions and was attending the Church on Brady. It was actually the First Southern Baptist Church of East Los Angeles DOB as the Church on Brady. It was led by pastor Thom Wolf.
It was a great time in my life. I was single and completely unencumbered by anything permanent. Don't get me wrong, I love being married and have been for nearly 31 years, but not when I lived in LA.
Anyway, I got to interact with so many people who were completely sold out for Jesus. And I loved it.
One day, I was having coffee with a man who had been a missionary in a very poor part of a very poor country. I'll not give his name. He told me of the extreme poverty in which people called home and it was horrifying. He said that a number of prostitutes had given their lives to Jesus, but they continued in prostitution because there was no other way for them to make a living.
When I questioned this man, he answered, "Jesus Christ is not the answer to every problem."
That statement has bothered me for nearly 40 years and I do not believe it to be true. In fact, I say, "Jesus is the answer to every problem."
Jesus changes lives. Jesus makes a way when there is no way. Jesus saves in entirety.
How can I say that? Because Jesus IS God! The Bible says that everything that has been created, Jesus created! If He can speak the world into existence, He can rescue a prostitute from prostitution. If Jesus can speak light into existence, He can restore people and families. If Jesus can raise from the dead, He can give eternal life. Yes, Jesus is enough!
Wednesday, November 15, 2023
Why I Write
I love writing. I've always had an affinity for it. Well, for telling stories, really. When I was young, I would make up stories to tell anyone who would listen. The problem I had then was telling the stories as if they were real, as if they actually happened to me.
That was dishonest and I know that now. But I never had the mentoring to channel the love of the story into writing.
I did well on my writing assignments in high school and college. I laugh now thinking about how I bragged that I had to write a ten-page paper every week for a certain class. I also remember a class that demanded a rough draft before the final project. I would simply type out the paper on my Royal Electric Typewriter, then go back with a pencil and paper and "create" a rough draft. I always got ""A's" on my writing projects.
While we were missionaries, I would write a newsletter that went out to hundreds of people, telling them about what God was doing overseas. I'd also write about our children and include any fun personal stories. Due to a hard drive failure, I've lost all those emails.
When I became a pastor 16 years ago, I was prolific in writing blog posts here and on our church website. I also interacted with many other bloggers which introduced my writing to a couple of editors of Southern Baptist publications. I began writing missions articles and eventually wrote some larger projects including the International Missions Emphasis piece on Beijing for the International Mission Board.
About 10 or so years ago, I began writing my first novel, "Jackpot!" which was finally published in 2022. Except for the fact that it made me a published author, it was a miserable failure. There was virtually no publicity for it from the publisher and I personally sold most of the copies that were sold. As of this writing, it ranks as number 1,395,097 in books on Amazon and number 43,198 in Religious Literature & Fiction on the same.
I finished my second novel about a month ago and am currently seeking literary representation. I have only queried 17 agents so far and have had a negative response from three. I have big hopes for this novel and am praying for success.
That brings me to the purpose of this post. Why do I write?
I write with a three-fold purpose:
1. To glorify God
2. To edify His church
3. To build His kingdom
I certainly don't seek fame. In fact, I love my anonymity. I don't seek fortune, although I would not reject it. My purpose is to write in such a way that Christians are encouraged and those who are not Christians would be drawn to God through His Son Jesus Christ. In those two things, I believe God will be glorified.
That's why I write.
Wednesday, October 11, 2023
Novel Update
I have written a little over 113K words towards my next novel, "Peering into the Darkness." It's taken a different direction than what I first anticipated. While the protagonist still sees angels and demons, the gift is used to bust a huge crime ring that involves celebrities, politicians, and other powerful people.
I hope to have the first draft completed by the end of October and will begin looking for literary representation.
In the meantime, if you know me, please pray for this novel to be a success so that it will encourage the Bride of Christ and bring God glory!
Wednesday, September 06, 2023
Second Novel
I began writing my second novel this morning. It is tentatively titled, "Peering into the Darkness." The protagonist is Josh Weston who gains the power to see angels and demons and becomes privy to the secret plans of the devil to deceive the world. It is once again based in Tulsa, Oklahoma and locales around NE OK.
Saturday, March 18, 2023
Half a Century with Jesus!
50 years ago today, I trusted Jesus as my Lord and Savior. In this past half century, I cannot boast about my faith, faithfulness, or my devotion, as it is truly not about me and I have messed up numerous times. It is all about God. In His great mercy, Jesus died on the cross, was buried and was raised from the dead. He was seen by hundreds of people before ascending to Heaven. I, along with millions of others, am awaiting His return. The Bible says that God loves the world so much that He sent Jesus to die for us and whoever would put their faith and trust in Jesus would never die spiritually, but instead have eternal life! This is open to everyone, including you. Won’t you surrender yourself to God through faith in Jesus Christ? It will change your life- and your eternity!
Wednesday, August 31, 2022
I am anticipating the publishing of my first novel, "Jackpot!" any day now! It has been a long time coming and I am very excited about it, to say the least. This is the blurb on the back cover:
After winning millions in the Lottery, Owen Rigsby embarks on a reckless journey of self-destructive indulgence, trying to live up to his imagination of a millionaire lifestyle only to find himself alone, empty and morally bankrupt.
A lifelong hatred of the drunk driver who killed his father stands in the way of finding peace with himself and God. Owen learns of the killer's upcoming parole and feels compelled to avenge his father's death. But when the opportunity arrives, Owen discovers forgiveness is a far greater treasure than money and all it can buy.
If you would like an autographed copy, please contact me at rick@rickboyne.com. The list price is $21.95 (set by the publisher, not me) plus $3.49 for postage. (Total is $25.44) This offer is good in the USA only. I accept PayPal, Venmo, and CashApp. Please include your mailing address in the email and to whom the autograph should be addressed.